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Tuesday, 24 December 2013


we feed the hungry fire
with a log of wood
and dance around fated
resonance of gunpowder
watching our dreams
in the wrathful flames
of stifled whims

we walked through the acutes
of capless grounds
clothing the winds
with wands of fates
burying our fears
in the graves of talking bones

we surrendered our mortality
in the battle ground 
of immortality
humming the songs of apathy
in the shackles of humanity,
we played in the circles of serendipity

without frets of shame
we built huts of hope
in troubled dreams

polishing our sandals
with arms of faith
holding to our fates
without fear of falling

the storm blew our hearts
to different directions
we paddled boats
on streams of naked intentions
hanging our dreams
on the trees of the future
with our eyes
forward to the mountains of unswerving totality

Written by: Moses Chibueze Opara
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

(curled from Words, Rhymes and Rythmns

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